Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Late 2009

Interviews after The Irish Tatler Woman of the Year Awards, November 12th 2009 :
Here's a pic from The Irish Times and interviews with The Sunday Supplement and TV3.

Awards always freak me out a bit, especially one's I don't know I'm getting! But everything went well and it's such great recognition for CF. (The Irish Times)

feed:// (The Sunday Supplement with Sam Smyth)

(TV3 Ireland AM)

Dec 2009

03rd December 2009.

Yikes! I haven't written here in ages. Since June I've been :solving the heymoptosis problem, taking lost of iv's and getting my exercise tolerance back, doing shifts in The Irish Times newsroom and spending November at the NYC Marathon with the Cystic Fibrosis Association. I was there supporting incredible people who ran the 26.2 miles for people with CF in Ireland. Some knew people with CF, some were family members and others just wanted to help. The spirit was invigorating. Here's an Irishwoman's Diary I wrote for The Irish Times about it :

I also received The Irish Tatler Woman of the Year Award which was incredible and so shocking this November.  I'll blog properly about it in the next few days. Awards remind me how the Irish people have put CF at the top of their agenda, and it gives me strength - particularly if I've been in a stick hospital situation, or heard of a friend stuck in one.
I'm still working on my book, entitled Salty Baby, which is coming out in Autumn 2010 with Hachette Ireland. I'm finally getting my energy back and things have picked up healthwise. CF is fickle, but right now it seems to be on the right track! Hoping to finish IV's tomorrow and jump back into work on Monday - I can't wait!

Orla xx