Cool, eh?
Running is extremely tough at the moment. It's like my body has never run before and isn't sure what to do. My legs are fine and could go on for hours, but my breathing just can't keep up with it. I know it will just take time to get back there, but I'm impatient! Don't my lungs know I'm from the NOW generation? As in tweet, iphone, blackberry, conveyer belts of sushi I want it now! Ahem. ANYWAY.. I've been slacking on my training too, with this cold thing, which can't be good news as I have roughly 5 weeks left..
I'm doing the Flora Ladies Mini Marathon as part of the 1 in 1000 team. The team is aiming to raise over 200,000 for Crumlin Children's Hospital to build en suite rooms for cystic fibrosis patients. Last year I would have ran the whole thing, but with health this year I definitely won't manage to run the entire 10k but I can give a walk/ run a shot! And if I can, that means YOU can too.. yes, YOU there! (or walking/or crawling-- and you have to be a woman - and NO DRAG ALLOWED? SOB. It's true. They'll kick you out!) (Maybe if you dress up real good... like this fabulous lady --)

Give it a shot men folk!
Although I doubt you'd manage to look as good as Miss Panti. But you could try eh?
Alternatively, you can throw me yer spare change at
and show your support.